Laura Mordecai is a percussionist and harmony vocalist for Stephanie Urbina Jones, Robin Mordecai and Javier Chaparro and Salúd.  She's recorded with these plus others including the legendary Beto y los Fairlanes

 Laura is a member of the Recording Academy having proudly served terms as a Texas Chapter board member, Chapter Secretary and as Vice-President.  She currently continues to serve as a board member and on the Chapter's Education and Advocacy Committees.  She is also a member of the American Federation of Musicians (AFM Local 433), Austin Texas Musicians and a founding member of the Austin Jazz Society.


photo by Brenda Ladd


2023 Stephanie Urbina Jones & the Honky Tonk Mariachi “Manuel's Destiny”

2022 Robin Mordeai EP "Portraits"

2020 The Texicana Mamas album "The Texicana Mamas"

2020 The Texicana Mamas single "Abundancia"

2020 The Texicana Mamas single "Cocina de Amor"

2019 Stephanie Urbina Jones  single  "All I want for Christmas is You"

2018 Robert Lindsay Nathan "Bailout Blues"

2018 All ATX Vol.5 Beto and the Fairlanes "The Letter"

2017 Javier Chaparro, Mi Corazón

2017 John Prihoda, Border Radio

2016 Robert Lindsay Nathan "Sail Away" and "The Long Road"

2016 Eric Paul Carreiro "Blind Man's Bluff"

2014 Beto and the Fairlanes "Merry TeXmas"

2014 Keith Weber/Cadillac Drive, "Cool Evening"

2013 Casey Keeter "Don't Waste Your Breath" (BGVs)

2012 Javier Chaparro and Salúd "Tuyo"

2010 Fletcher Clark's Taking Turns w/Beto and the Fairlanes "Marinera Luna"

2005 Crosswind, "Unified"

2004 McKeown Smith, "Marley's Ghost"

In 2010 I took one of my own songs into the studio and we had a great time!  Elizabeth McQueen did me the honor of singing the lead vocal on it! 

Floyd Domino - piano, John Fremgen - bass, David Sanger - drums, Rich Haering - trumpet, Greg Williams - sax, Michael Mordecai - trombone, Liz Morphis - background vocals

Recorded at Arlyn Studio by Adam Smolensky and assisted by Brandon Thornell, Mastered by Jerry Tubb at Terra Nova Studio Austin

Videography by Kyle Hoffman and Starla Christian